man, i wasted my time arguing with a girl like her once on xanga. Not worth the battle; anorexia is a disease of the mind.
what a stupid little girl!
i thought those models were hot though
If i was a guy i'd like women curvy
not girls that have the body of a little 6year old boy!
lol most guys don't, only the shallow money/image/power ones
and those guys just get those trophy wives and cheat on em with curvy women lol
its a pyschological thing too
some men perfer women to look like little boys so they feel they're powerful
that the woman looks frail and defenseless
women rather look "beautiful" than be happy and have a family..
women need 30% of their body weight composition to be fat to reproduce
as well as enough weight to have periods so that their body can have better bones too!
Yeah skinny women are all fucked up in the period area
Man this is one of the reasons I don't like people calling me skinny; if I were skinny, I'd just eat a whole lot more xD
all of that talk made me eat unhealthily, too... ate hella oreos in one sitting like three times in one weekend xD
Looking well and being well are hella different things; in fact, I didn't like the weight loss I was getting 'cause I knew it wasn't
happening naturally. I was right though, looked through the side effects of my meds and there's a high chance of weight loss
... thanks guys
you're naturally skinny ane
you eat but you never gain weight
and its not like you're obsessed w/being skinny

(huge face palm) I always forget you're skinny; but I mean for those people unnaturally obsessed with thinness.
ok! that's definitely not meeh
Anorexia kills, man. And it's girls like that that make the natural ones look bad
hell i like curvy women. if you skin and bones i dnt find that attractive
I just randomly realized something: if you look unhealthy in any shape or fashion, it's not attractive.
So that goes for unhealthily skinny or unhealthily fat, and don't let BMI be a guide, that index is full of bullshit
muscle weights more than fat
so you need a water displacement test
hell yea BMI is bullshit because i'm obese if thats the case.