awww, you two are bonding, thats so cute
*snorts* lol. lucky bastard!
my bitch
ty too!?
Jack must be happy with all those open mouths again
ohhh yeahhhhhhhh
lick those lips baby
shake it like a polaroid picture...
if someone farted
that must be it
wonders 14 years ago
if it's bad that he bites his nails...
it's not the brown stuff I'm worried about, it's the chunks...
tastes a little like... prison food.
this is one of the most warm and fuzzy welcoming plurks ive ever read
it certainly does! I hope she appreciates the welcoming.
Oh I did Angel, so I added her to my stream.
like prison food that's been passed out.
yep, then under my fingernails for another few months while I do my mechanics.
even bacteria is scared to multiply on it
i didnt do it
I blame Connie. ...can't think why yet though.
senses a lil bit of internet jealousy
well, that's nice -I guess!
how many rows
this plurk really demonstrates the fine line between love and hate
well give me a few hours & I'll spill the beans. I'm no gentleman
hahaha, ok mate. I'll hose her down for you. Photos to follow...
and use soap
how would you get him out again??
would you have to turn her on like mad until she gets crazy wet enough that he slides out
damn i dont have a tool belt, only a lil pink toolbox
maybe a swift punch to the gut
yeh, don't try it with a toolbox Dollface, that's a disaater waiting to happen
ill add a tool belt to my xmas list
jack's planning his next vacation
oh for sure. I'm already booking the ticket
damn this will be a holiday to remember.
Tak help to remove me from the randoms I meet?
what if it's Connie that I'm stuck inside?
he might help hose her off..he seems worried about that
did you think that was some crazy wierd sexual toy you'd never heard of?
I'm talking tripple dildos
yeah I'll have a look around...
oh, would you believe it, I've left them all at home...
...still nothing, ask again after my holiday!
Ok, I need some beauty sleep. Stay safe dudes & I'll catch you crazy kids tomorrow!x
nini mysweetbitch
nite nite ladies
feeling lots of
Yeah, my heart is flipping here with all that love. Not sure if Ill be able to handle it tho.
i might need some mouth to mouth
may be she does have wet dreams of you tak?
chop chop!
awww... constance, please dont make me cry now...
*trows some more love through this plurk.
lol. well.. atleast its entertaining enough today!
*hands out some kleenex
cares about Frederika!
*gets one of the kleenex. daddy she made me cry
You know.. there are actually pills for these kind of disorders
Aww, are you back together again?
feels some more love!
*looks in the mirror. Im quite happy with that old face really. *makes kissing lips at herself
Yeah, you were single for a bit...or am I mixing people?
i think you got a bunch of stalkers
i cant be srs when i know its a furfag,,im sry
I never got cock pics
where her dick picks are oO why didnt i get those?
being old seems to be something really bad to you
and seems to start early as well
tak and stas
stas *big full grin... i think that beeing old is some obsession she has with herself.
Everyone's getting old, there's nothing you can do about it *shrugs*
27 and behaving like a 6 year old! *claps hands.
*sniffs her nose like a bunny and wiggles her butt! You bet ya!
...says the one who's attacking everyone over 21 as being old and ugly
its so funny that one of them tolled me about how they were using you
it was Bunny that started it.
friends? *grins.. you mean the people that say and think between eachother that youre stupid and dumb.. but who love to use you?!
well, its not even a lie really
totally. but thats irrelevant here.
*doesnt have the feeling she should hand out proof to constance.. So.. i guess its your problem. You can believe it or not! I dont care
big words
oh no.. that would help!
hahahahahah Bunny started the gallery thing? I was ther Constance, where were you?
I'm sorry, but you guys are soo wrong. Like you twist everything out of proportions
it's 10.30am...I'm not going to bed!
well, they might be right about the stupid cow part
but ill leave that to them to judge.. the "know" you better right?
but anyway: the chatlog is on my flickr profile for everyone to see.
logic and facts are for the old farts
*pinches her own nipple and hear Tak scream*
man that is serious alt business *laughs*
*thinks its a whole lot of BLAH
knows it's a whole lot of blah
we should go back to thinking about penis rotweiß *nods*
can i join the penis talk?
or do i need to call buurman AGAIN!
oh man someone is hearing voices in her head
*wonders if thats stuck up her ass
a damn hawt asshole
28 and lubs her own selfie muchos!
there is that sexual peak thing again!
*grabs her heart... oh no.. you hurted me.. right there! *shakes her delicious bootie
only wears her thong in bed
just wanted to share
Thanks Frederika
youre welcome
im MY kinda girl too actually.. so I can totally understand
lol hahaha stas. how cute is that
im sure jack wouldnt mind ^^ Nite nite pervie
morning Connie
how exciting connie!
*rolls eyes... europe.. doh
fuck. I missed the fun. On the plus side, I didn't get VD... (not from this plurk anyway).
muahahahah total loser.. well as long as you are the one making up the definitions, you're fine
man what is that with looks *laughs*
I mean I look like I got runover by a truck and was stitched together with different peices of various psychos
but at least I know my brain has 100% capacity, compared to your 3% with malfunctions.
oh man.. really that looks thing is so irrelevant that it keeps cracking me up
my kid doesn't even do that anymore
yup. you got that right: we jump quick. You just keep repeating the same steps over and over again
ahhh it's nice to have you here Connie.
you realize you are on a sinking ship, right Conny? That you are the best opportunity they had coz youweren't afraid to open your mouth
needed something to laugh at all day!
but they will drop you like a hot stone as soon as you don't play to their rules anymore?
I see you're still regurgitating that line I once said to you (a decade ago!)
you can haz a newfag award
well I'm his alt I think
so I better.. before he pulls the plug on me
if " Cool story Bro" is the new Black.
It was funny when I said it. But when it's regurgitated sooo many times, it kinda gets like boring. Like (ironically) Connies stories...
I so agree.. but then again, this is free entertainment..
like' tossing the dwarf '
I seen that in a movie last night
of course God, however....
I've decided to fight you for her.
Connie is too much woman for just one man
she's.... a 'whole lot' of woman
she's like a delicate & gracefull flower
where's she gone!?!
(tell us if it was, so I can write it down)
she did refer to you as 'God' afterall
I'll keep a close eye on her for you pal...
she's in *ahem* good hands
straight hair & curly teeth. Thats how I like it
have a good one dude!
now then Miss Maurer...
*slides a little closer* ...sup!?
I'll hose you down anytime babe
just Googled "newfag" did you!?
that's called "soap" baby
it's ok though, we'll get to that later
not at all, but I don't need my definitions from Urban Dictionary
it's hilarious how much you fail at being a newfag
you stamp your feet & cry?
oh ive got some reading to do again
....however, there's a flaw in your description
what will you do if she doesn't?
well Connie, you better start making an effort now!
lucky you! today is my day off!
the world isn't going to save itsself Connie baby!
im not sure what that was
I think it's mental instability kicking in
i think it has something to do with all the voices in her head or something
look at who I talk to? (I've been talking to you)
...are you SURE you're ok?
get some sleep & come back Connie!
is that all you can do?
oooooo damn. Angel how did you make Connie all mad!?
I've been trying for AGES
and you rock up & make her flip in about 2 sentances
good work
oh would you people stop writing for a bit so I can read up at least?
*stops typing. sure love
Connie, chill out little one! ...Angel might be hotter than you, but we still love you!!
yup all done. please continue?
muchas gracias!
"angel go away you boring twat sticker you're boring as fuk" ...yeh, looks like she ratteld you
she talking about herself now?
Connie, I feel bad that you're all on your lonesome. Go & get some friends (or other personalities) who can atleast hold an argument!x the meantime, I'm off to curl out a nice steaming "connie" -brb
you mean the people that dont REALLY wanna be your friends cause they call you dumb, stupid and well.. even worse then that?
sounds like a good philosiphy to live by!
besides, that would let the cat(ladies) out of the bag
i dont really feel the need to show you anything really
I know what has been said.. and thats enough for me
you can't though hun, seriously
your "bad" involves saying STFU
she really is obsessed with that old thingy ey.... Poor woman. I thought you were the queen "making stuff up"
but in fairness to you, Connie -you are upfront about bitching & don't hide from public & stick to bitching behind peoples back
which far too many of your "westside crew" do
('re still a pointless newfag loser though)
if that's true, why did you read her profile!?
cares about angel
why do I see angel and stfu and ktaxxbai all the time? like it's repetitive now
thats what happens when you run out of amo
If you want people to STFU you should block them. It's better for the nerves and you can concentrate on the boys better.
oh gawd silence. I wonder what's happening.
inhaled some bleach and had a practical second.
...researching fresh new insults!?
she going through her little notes to see what STFU to use now?
the s-t-f-u or teh STFU or maybe go wild and StFu?
wow. Crazy shit, I like it. Mis it up a little
Maybe people wont notice you're really repeating the same shit!
can I still spread some loving here?
brb, I have a hot MSN date with Mrs Jack Thelad!x
damn, I'll be back for the naked group hug soon!
I know you're all naked and STFU and all of that, but I love you coz you're beautiful
did i see naked??
*gets undressed
LOL I meant ugly dammit. *laughs*
oh.. thats later...
Wow fuckface is an endearment now?
2 different stories for one little break?
usually enjoys a chat with her telly as well
OH its uma! sorry, i didnt read it well as well
so... not welcome back.. but HI takuma
if "they" were watching.. they wouldnt let you go on talking like you do. That would be one totally freaked out boss.
awww she keeps talking about herself
Connie. you are doing this allllll by yourself. and i dont feel sorry for you one bit
Good times
bunny gonna hate me coz im "flirting" with her man according to connie. *rolls eyes.. part of her personality disorder i guess
oh.. NO! dont! oh NOOOO! really! you wanna hurt me? Ouch.. oh no.. PPFF!!
LOL YOU talk to ME about education?! LMFAO! I work 4 days a week... I finished my study and now im going to school again. Ive got 2 kids..
i think im working harder then you will ever do
even I know that somking kills (unusre)
Happy sweating, Kat!
Sorry, that was buurman calling
lemme read back
Bye bye Takuma. Happy sweating!
*rolls eyes.. and she is talking about others? LOL. Thats hilarious. She has serious issues.
Why did you delete me!!? ...I thought we had something special...
oh ive ruined it
woop wooooooooooooop!!!!!!!
that's gotta be some kind of record
Thank you for caring
wasnt me!
im not telling. Im sure they will kick my butt like my lil bro would do
so dont make me tell!
ill make sure ill be in bed
go and save some lives! but be careful
damn never thought id use it but TL