geoffliving shares
16 years ago
learning how to do things my way, w/o judging others approaches to life. No rights/no wrongs.
latest #7
LEMills says
16 years ago
good luck! It's a lifelong process, I believe (and I'm farther along in that than you are <heh>)
Beth Harte says
16 years ago
It is a process. Trying to sort that all out myself. I think part of it is being comfortable in your own skin.
Myrnaslist says
16 years ago
Hi Geoff, great wisdom in your words-its never over, its daily work but it does get a little easier as we practice(today it doesn't feel so
Myrnaslist says
16 years ago
easy :-()
16 years ago
yes, i get the sense that it's just another layer in the onion.
Myrnaslist says
16 years ago
yes yes Geoff that's it(it seems that I'm always saying this to you lol)
Myrnaslist says
16 years ago
you might want to check out Eckhart Tolle(for a quick version he's all over youtube)
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