Kelly hates
14 years ago
vincent said i lost my sense of design!!! (angry)
latest #12
Cecilia says
14 years ago
Men never know what fashion is!
14 years ago
Unless he is a gay otherwise dont listen ;)
Kelly says
14 years ago
ohohohoh... but i didn't design lele's new banner (devil)
sunshine0808 says
14 years ago
有樂樂的照片 怎嚜弄都可愛啦
Kelly says
14 years ago
awwwwww... thanks. but it's kinda scary to see so many lele at once.
sunshine0808 says
14 years ago
ssko: 很久沒看到suyeeyee出現了耶
cause i didn't have ANY chance to see her (tears)
sunshine0808 says
14 years ago
ssko: 周末來了 快去巴過去 樂樂越來越有大小孩的樣子了
sunshine0808: 啊~馬泥就很小氣不給玩啊(哭哭)
sunshine0808 says
14 years ago
ssko: 後 口年 那suyeeyee 拐騙樂媽再多生一個
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