Brookey is
14 years ago
up i swear .. ok what happened to the sun ... ?? and where is my coffee ..
latest #11
14 years ago
*quickly hands Brookey a venti... * no sun here either or i'd give you some of that too
14 years ago
good morning brookey! i miss you drink your machioto and all will come into focus! (cozy)
Brookey says
14 years ago
::sips her toasty drink:: mm and the world restores to normal :-D of course your all the sunshine I need aeri
14 years ago
*wears a bright yellow shirt* there is your sunshine brooke;-)
Brookey says
14 years ago
ooo smexxy you know how we feel bout your shirts
14 years ago
*takes it off and hands it to brooke* there ya go, sunshine on the go.
Brookey says
14 years ago
oooo that brightened my day
14 years ago
OOoh yes
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