hiyuri says
14 years ago
having lisan and oral test tmr.2 together.damn!
latest #8
TkY says
14 years ago
aya, np for u
hiyuri says
14 years ago
i haven memorize my lisan...argh!
TkY says
14 years ago
lols, that's what i hate in sec. school, memorising
hiyuri says
14 years ago
CyN.THia says
14 years ago
good luck.. i will b nx week...
hiyuri says
14 years ago
why must we do lisan.....so.....
CyN.THia says
14 years ago
good luck... i will havin it nx week
TkY says
14 years ago
so the teacher need not worry about what to teach for a week or so
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