Yiting} Janice says
14 years ago
should i go study? tmr test wat sub?
latest #12
CELIN says
14 years ago
Yiting} Janice says
14 years ago
oni mehh? i tot 1 day got 2 sub
CELIN says
14 years ago
only chem
CELIN says
14 years ago
thurs chi
12345678910 says
14 years ago
Oo? i dk got test what .. ==
Yiting} Janice says
14 years ago
thurs still got ?!?! i tot oni till wed ??
CELIN says
14 years ago
thurs chi during cl lesson
Yiting} Janice says
14 years ago
is class test arh?
CELIN says
14 years ago
common test lehh
CELIN says
14 years ago
on the green form like that write de
Yiting} Janice says
14 years ago
oo idk i no hav the green form
CELIN says
14 years ago
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