I am tired of the pom pom shaking new comers that think they know how everything should work..sit down and shut up is not the answer.
latest #11
not aimed at you Victoria...
i should hope not thank you
had a bad day in the forums and should stay out of them...

I saw it!
Yeah, I should too, but sometimes I get irritated with the let's all drink the kool-aid mentality.
And no matter what anyone says, don't think FF is on there because they are just any seller.
the thing is I don't care if there is a big ad in my shop....they already told me need me...but I'm not selling supplies..
It really is a blow for the supply sellers.
I don't buy from FF any way. They are a bit pricy on too many things...I still can't figure out how to sell on AF.have no trouble on Etsy
I don't buy there either, I think her prices are really high. I don't have an etsy account.
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