Nephtis says
15 years ago
I can't believe I need photographic ID and a recent Bank Statement to sell some old PSP/3 games! wtf?! Shopping = FAIL
latest #49
RuYi says
15 years ago
Got a new PS3 now then?
Nephtis says
15 years ago
It's on it's way. Took a lot of effort, so I hope it's worth the trouble.
Nephtis asks
15 years ago
How've you been anyway? Seems like ages since we've last had a chat.
RuYi says
15 years ago
On the way? They were all sold out or something?
Nephtis says
15 years ago
Yeah, well I want a 60gb one, because it plays ps2 games. There were none in town -_-
RuYi says
15 years ago
For real? We're falling over them here, every store has plenty of them.
RuYi says
15 years ago
Not the same when it comes to the Wii.. >>
Nephtis says
15 years ago
The Wii is rare!? No way, seriously shops have so many of them here... but don't forget the old 60gb are no longer made >.>
Nephtis says
15 years ago
so I have to look for 2nd hand ones
Nephtis says
15 years ago
there was none :-(
RuYi says
15 years ago
Yep. After all those years, I expected everyone and their Mum to already have a Wii, but apparently not.
RuYi says
15 years ago
That, or they want a 2nd one for some odd reason.
Nephtis says
15 years ago
Wii's are too cool for school these days
Nephtis says
15 years ago
... which makes them UNCOOL
Nephtis says
15 years ago
lol PS3 all the way xD
RuYi says
15 years ago
Yeah but being uncool is really 2010.
RuYi says
15 years ago
And seeing how you don't have one, that means you're uncoo.. wait..
RuYi says
15 years ago
It means you're sooo 2009
Nephtis says
15 years ago
Gah! You just gave me a headache lol
RuYi says
15 years ago
...But in 2009 nearly everyone and their mum already bought a Wii..
Nephtis says
15 years ago
Nothing makes sense anymore!!!
RuYi says
15 years ago
It means you're sooo before November 16th, 2006
RuYi says
15 years ago
But that's not too bad. The fact you don't have a 360, however..
Nephtis says
15 years ago
360's would be cool... but Microsoft will never be cool
RuYi says
15 years ago
They're not too bad.
Nephtis says
15 years ago
It shows through unfortunately, in their business ethic etc
Nephtis says
15 years ago
well over here we have these adverts for the games and at the end it says
Nephtis says
15 years ago
"ONLY ON XBOX 360" in this really "rad" voice
Nephtis says
15 years ago
... accept 9. times out of 10, it's not "only" on xbox360
Nephtis says
15 years ago
and they're doing the same with the new final fantasy 13 too lol I think it's funny in this case though, because I dislike SE more than MS
RuYi says
15 years ago
I've seen more exclusive PS3 games coming to the 360 than the other way around..
Nephtis says
15 years ago
Really? I would say it's about the same
15 years ago
geez how old are you guys?
15 years ago
tho i did read this article 0o
15 years ago
either way i stay true to the ps2
Nephtis says
15 years ago
Gamez are cool, you just wouldn't understand Jian :-P
15 years ago
oh spare me those sad console wars between the ps3 and the 360
15 years ago
ps2 is most sold console ever
Nephtis says
15 years ago
Damn right. Same here, since my ps3 died I've hooked up the ps2 again :-D
Nephtis says
15 years ago
Plus it had the best games. There isn't much anyone can do to argue with that either.
RuYi says
15 years ago
I was already looking for that article lol
Nephtis says
15 years ago
lol well they're lying in the article... because the Wii has more than ANYONE right now
15 years ago
nah, the wii doesn't count as a true gaming console.
15 years ago
i like my ps2, but i don't get the hate about microsoft
15 years ago
about them being money wolves
15 years ago
like sony's ps business is for charity.
Nephtis says
15 years ago
lol can you count the "exclusives" that are going to the pc too though?
15 years ago
i'm quitting this lame discussion, it makes no sense.
Nephtis says
15 years ago
lol sorry >.>
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