LmnoPqrsT wonders
14 years ago
y nid plurk 'mornin' and 'goodnight' lei?
latest #22
Shane says
14 years ago
cuz they shiok.
Shane says
14 years ago
what u want
Shane says
14 years ago
vincentobk says
14 years ago
buggy, we are bored actually. 1. it was a good topic starter 2. we just simply dont hav others to write 3. u guys continue
LmnoPqrsT says
14 years ago
then y don wan plurk 'i am bored' ne?
EvilPlayboyz says
14 years ago
i plurk i am bored
LmnoPqrsT says
14 years ago
eugene u start studying d isnt it?
vincentobk says
14 years ago
if we usually plurk 'i am bored' i think the plurk server will crash due to extreme numbers of plurks
LmnoPqrsT says
14 years ago
plurk oso very boleng lo...
vincentobk says
14 years ago
vincentobk says
14 years ago
nvm at long as it burns up my time, im ok XD, somemore i wanna cut my gaming time now B-)
EvilPlayboyz says
14 years ago
= =
EvilPlayboyz says
14 years ago
i'm playing musou orochi!!!
vincentobk says
14 years ago
valen nvr quits plurk =x buggy, looks like ur wrong bout boleng
LmnoPqrsT says
14 years ago
plurk very 粪 meh?
vincentobk says
14 years ago
at least we get to noe wat others doing atm =x dont shrink urself into ur compound of house only la...
vincentobk says
14 years ago
or pps !! haha buggy got recommendation?
LmnoPqrsT says
14 years ago
go watch 山下怪谈 lo
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