hiyuri says
14 years ago
i chase after my dog because he snatched my RM 10
latest #11
TkY says
14 years ago
ur ang pow? xD
hiyuri says
14 years ago
TkY says
14 years ago
CyN.THia says
14 years ago
lolz.. thn at last?? =)
hiyuri says
14 years ago
i need to lure him out of his so called'hideout' and feed him snacks just to get me angpau back....
CyN.THia says
14 years ago
ur dog memang difficult lo..
TkY says
14 years ago
lols... mischievous
hiyuri says
14 years ago
very playful...but i still love him...he is too cute to even scold him....really bu ren xin....
CyN.THia says
14 years ago
TkY says
14 years ago
hiyuri says
14 years ago
his puppy eyes are too cute!
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