AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
"What happened to Charice - Pyramid twitter trending which I read in twitter before? Still on?"
latest #153
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
now you're plurking hehehe,
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
thanks dude... Yeah, really plurking... but BASIC plurking.
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
that should do for a starter hehehe
Sean says
14 years ago
were too small to make it a success
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
smith sleep well
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
during Singapore idol, it worked
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
I thought there are lots of supporters of her worldwide?
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
I totally agree with you miyi. And as told to me by one of the chasters, Im not sure who she is but there in the philipins, not into internz
mischokos says
14 years ago
mischokos says
14 years ago
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
O i see. Anyway, I least, as I see on youtube, at least Charice getting exposure on TVs in the US. It is a great one.
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
but during Singapore Idol, Charice was on hot trend
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
is it because of Singaporeans who have more access to internet
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
I guess so. That is what I heard. Are all philipinoes have access to internet in their homes?
Paris12eric is
14 years ago
Charice will get better known with Pyramid, there is a good fan base to make her to the top of the chart ;-)
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
not all, maybe in Metro Manila, around 10-20% only
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
yeah during SI Finale
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
At least she made really a huge noise in there. That's so cool of here. I was able to watch her performnce. Thanks to youtube.
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
that is right
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
and time will come, she will be TT everyday like Justing Beiber
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
LOL. Yeah. I will miyi.
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
what is TT?
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
Trending Topic, sorry hehe
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
Now i get it.
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
hehehe jerry (LOL)
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
hmmmm T-T :-D
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
hahaha eja
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
bad jerry boy lmao joke :-D
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
TT reminded me of that audi model.
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
Isn't that cool?
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
andre (LOL)
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
oh good Andre, coz eja is thinking of something else hahahaha
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
in Pinas its BAD (LOL)
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
jerry shhh dont ellaborate (LOL)
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
bad word? Anyway, every languages have bad words in it.
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
yeah andre
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
not really bad, but it is censored hahaha
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
ignore that word andre hehehe
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
lets talk bout cha again (LOL)
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
Now, that smiley makes me curious. LOL.
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
Is that a cursing word?
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
oh no Andre
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
it just sounds like the male organ that's it hahaha
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
oppsss CM then plruking (LOL)
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
At least it is not a cursing word...
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
Now I get it.
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
hehehe no
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
At least if it's used in our country, it would mean a car model.
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
hahaha (LOL)
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
so TT is an Audi Model?
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
is that TUTI car andre?
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
I mean audi model?
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
andre is lost hehehe
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
Audi TT - just that gorgeous looking car... just a small. Too bad that's not my car. Maybe I am young to have it.
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
andre you already have 6 karmas
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
What does 6 karmas mean dude?
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
oh u nid to increased ur karam andre so that u can get some smileys like this (cozy)
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
so cool that you have lots of karmas.
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
Audi TT is handsome
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
yeah plurk plurk always andre and invite more friends ur karma will be increased
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
yeah jerry saw it
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
yeah looks expensive
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
Yeah, it is so expensive. I will ran out of euros.
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
hehehe jerry 3othousand euros andre?
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
I think it is like 45 thousand.
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
Not so sure.
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
too expensive but really looks handsome
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
oh wow
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
Yeah, it does look so cool. So I settled for a car that suits my level of money. Hahaha.
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
so ur driving bmw?
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
hehehehe :-D
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
hehe don't know which is more expensive
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
I'm driving audi still. but not TT.
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
oh it's till Audi
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
Yes still audi my friend.
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
see your plurks get lots of responses hehehe
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
it's hard to chat like this on Twitter
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
hehehe jerryboy wer r u now?
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
Really? Is it the count just beside the bubble... like 116?
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
PI? still awake nah? (LOL)
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
no am in Bahrain now around 9 pm
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
oh no skol 2moro?
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
hehehe oh ok
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
Jerry, we only have two hours time difference. You're ahead by 2 hours
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
yeah, so its only 7 pm your time?
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
where are u exactly at?
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
Yes, its 19:09
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
210am here in PI and im still awake chatting wid chasters (LOL)
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
good thing you are not working tomorrow eja
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
or are u?
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
Im now here in Luxembourg. Previously from France but we still have a house there.
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
Luxembourg is near Germany?
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
oh i see i have work 2moro jerry
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
jerry and eja, i think I have to sign-off here in plurk... Ill just cook for dinner and eat. :-)
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
oh sure bon a petit is that right? hehe
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
hehehehe nice chatting wid u
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
nice chatting with you two
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
good night
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
Good night too.
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
singing off too
J.E.R.R.Y says
14 years ago
bye eja
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
I will get back here probably after two hours. LOL
Labong Saluyot says
14 years ago
ok andre enjoy i nid 2 sleep now
AndreLeMarchal says
14 years ago
Good night ma cherie.
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