misses thailand like madddddddd!!
latest #11
u can go at march holiday lah
SPM lahh. cannot go holiday so muchhh..
Haha,Joey... Joey... Why never come yesterday???
MY SISTER DONT LET LAH!!!! ish herrrrrrrrr.... sorry ahh. wat did u people doo? I WANNA GO. but i guess its to late now. HAHA
Haha you think????? It was awesome,but it'll be awesome-er if you were there! =p
i noe right? im just sooooo AWESOME! AHAHHAHAHAHHA joookingggggg
Haha,it's ok,there's always next year,haha! =p
NEXT YEAR?!?!?!!?!?!??! wat lah u..that like a lng time to go. haha
Exactly,that's what you get! Haha.
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