15 years ago
misses thailand like madddddddd!!
latest #11
Jackcheah says
15 years ago
u can go at march holiday lah
joeyJONG says
15 years ago
SPM lahh. cannot go holiday so muchhh..
honzhen says
15 years ago
Haha,Joey... Joey... Why never come yesterday???
joeyJONG says
15 years ago
MY SISTER DONT LET LAH!!!! ish herrrrrrrrr.... sorry ahh. wat did u people doo? I WANNA GO. but i guess its to late now. HAHA
honzhen says
15 years ago
Haha you think????? It was awesome,but it'll be awesome-er if you were there! =p
joeyJONG says
15 years ago
i noe right? im just sooooo AWESOME! AHAHHAHAHAHHA joookingggggg
joeyJONG says
15 years ago
butt. alaaaaa no fairrrr
honzhen says
15 years ago
Haha,it's ok,there's always next year,haha! =p
joeyJONG says
15 years ago
NEXT YEAR?!?!?!!?!?!??! wat lah u..that like a lng time to go. haha
honzhen says
15 years ago
Exactly,that's what you get! Haha.
joeyJONG says
15 years ago
-.- aneh lah u. HAHA
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