benedictgal is
14 years ago
trying to figure out how to post a picture of Bishop Tamayo riding in an open car during our parade.
latest #51
14 years ago
Looking forward to it - You've been taking it easy on plurk it looks like - thanks for dropping in!
benedictgal says
14 years ago
thank you. I have had some bad migraine spates.
benedictgal says
14 years ago
the bishop needs to not ride in the parade. He needs to visit his flock. the only time people get to see him
benedictgal says
14 years ago
is during the parade.
14 years ago
If I could make everything the way I think it ought to be.....
14 years ago
Other than really big cities like NYC - which is actually 2 dioceses + several in the near suburbs
benedictgal says
14 years ago
people politely clapped, but, he did not get a huge rounding reception.
14 years ago
A *big * diocese would be 40 parishes or so.
14 years ago
right now that is the size of the smallest dioceses
14 years ago
benedictgal: tough to judge by a parade - what was the parade for?
benedictgal says
14 years ago
Washington's Birthday Celebration. It is a huge thing down here.
benedictgal says
14 years ago
he loves to ride in an antique car.
cuaguy says
14 years ago
GNW_Paul: Actually, if you are only including NY itself, there is only one diocese in the suburbs (Rockville Center) but that's just
cuaguy says
14 years ago
benedictgal says
14 years ago
We've been celebrating it for 113 years.
14 years ago
cuaguy: (doh) for some reason I was thinking Westchester was in another - but there YOU are
14 years ago
Rockville Center I know :-D
cuaguy says
14 years ago
Nope! I belong to Dolan!
14 years ago
IDK - watching parades its hard for me to get excited about every dignitary that rides by
cuaguy says
14 years ago
though if I remember correctly, we are broken into about 10 different vicariates
cuaguy says
14 years ago
I have not actually watched a parade in years. I was always a part of them
14 years ago
Even if I do like them - they are just riding by -It's only 'celebs' that get cheers from crowds of strangeres
cuaguy says
14 years ago
my mistake, 10 counties... more vicariates...
cuaguy says
14 years ago
lets see, westchester is broken into 3, so I think probably close to 15 or 16 vocariates
cuaguy says
14 years ago
14 years ago
That's a big diocese - even Manhattan by itself is ~110 churches
14 years ago
Plus at least 1 college
benedictgal says
14 years ago
the bishop was sandwiched in between a state representative and Mr. South Texas.
14 years ago
not that the college is part of the Diocese
benedictgal says
14 years ago
Mr. South Texas is not a pageant title. It's given to someone who has made a diffeernce in South Texas.
cuaguy says
14 years ago
I think there is only one college that actually has a NY priest as a chaplain (Nyack) but don't quote me on that
14 years ago
benedictgal: So did the Pol and the Community Service dude get more applause?
cuaguy says
14 years ago
I think the main reason that Westchester/Rockland/Putnam(etc) isn't a separate dio is cause we have the sem
benedictgal says
14 years ago
GW, yeah, they did. Of course, they were also throwing beads.
benedictgal says
14 years ago
like Mardi Gras.
benedictgal says
14 years ago
Gorge and Martha got more applause.
14 years ago
I still think it's hard to know what kind of indication that is - even presuming it actually indicated in anyway that Catholics in the
14 years ago
crowd weren't fond of the Bishop - you have no idea how representative that part of the crowd is or how reps of the whole Catholic Pop
benedictgal says
14 years ago
Laredo is 99% Catholic.
14 years ago
benedictgal: I figured something like that
benedictgal says
14 years ago
Msgr. Harris gets a better reception from people than the bishop does.
14 years ago
Thats sad
14 years ago
I think it would help if people actually knew the Bishop - in some cases anyway -
benedictgal says
14 years ago
I know my bishop. the sad fact is that he favors the social events more than anything else.
benedictgal says
14 years ago
he started off with a lot of promise, but, it's all been downhill. In the 10 years we've been a diocese, we have not advance.
14 years ago
14 years ago
Were you formed like Baker and Yakima then - small dioceses carved out of big ones
14 years ago
Yakima for large Hispanic Population and immigrants - 'they' felt there was a need for a close pastoral approach than in the D of Seattle
14 years ago
And Baker was so far removed from Portland and such diverse in need that they carved it off
14 years ago
Both in the early 90s
benedictgal says
14 years ago
yeah. we were carved out of Corpus Christi and the southern part of the Archdiocese of San Antonio.
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