pai01 says
14 years ago
"今年對 DPP and Taiwan 是非常重要的一年希望大家團結一致對抗 KMT.Thus,Taiwanese should keep working hard to destroy KMT by vote." Taiwan Go!
latest #6
pai01 says
14 years ago
DPP Go! Go! Go!
提昇公民意識 says
14 years ago
安安! :-) 立委補選進入最後一周了, 努力目標 : 還是要四席全上喔! 為台灣加油! (dance)
anran says
14 years ago
祝福台灣!加油!Go! Go! Go! 生死存亡的關鍵時刻。
anran says
14 years ago
pai01 says
14 years ago
DPP Go! Go! Go!
pai01 says
14 years ago
I hope that Taiwanese can awake to the current situation of Taiwan.
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