tell us the movie and i will tell you if i agree
(I think it is a crazy way of spelling "Siamese-y" - as in a nickname for her "Siamese twin." (Or at least that is what I have always
thought it meant. I'm sure we will find out when
lyssamarie sees and answers this,

which Romeo and Juliet? I went on a date once and watched the one with Leonardo DiCaprio.. and THAT was a horrible movie.
and I dont' know what version of R&J you watched but I NEVER thought of that story to being anything like REAL life...
(That's what I was thinking, too,
lmtenney - nothing like real life at all.)
I hope not! I'm sure not gunna kill myself if my husband kills himself!
It was the old version...I'm sure. And yes, CM, Symezey is our nickname for eachother
yes, w/ leonardo (i think) the one where it shows his naked butt? i ment real life as in saying you love someone w/ in the first week of
knowing them-& the not happy ending, & the best friends dying, & giving your all for something not worth giving it for
are you saying is IS real life to fall in love with someone the first week you know them? or just the fact that many SAY/FEEL they are in
well I watched the movie when it first came out.. and I have never seen it again.. Thank Goodness.
but I still don't think much of it was reality.
No, I don't either. Although I suppose if you think about it, the EMOTIONS of it were pretty close to how teenagers interpret the
The Leonardo DiCaprio version is the new, version, I believe - unless there is a newer version that that.
*than. There is definitely an OLDER version than that.
Anyway, I still don't think it is like real life, but I can see where it is like what TEENAGERS think real life is, if you know what I am
(I am not making fun of teenagers by the way... it's just a fact of life that teenagers see the world differently than most adults do, and
sometimes can be more dramatic (like falling in love in a week and then killing yourself over love.) Perhaps that is even what
Shakespeare was trying to get at.
Hmm, that could be, ChurchMouse! But yea, I see what you mean in that. Juliet was only like 13, wasn't she?
13??! I don't know, I don't remember. I was thinking she was more like 16-17.
Yep. She was not quite 14! (I just looked it up.) Then again, that makes it slightly MORE likely (that she would fall in love, or think
she was in love, so quickly and end up killing herself.) For many teenage girls, that is a very complicated, full-of-drama stage.
I still don't believe the play (as a whole) is very much like real life, though.
Unless you live in the worst part of the worst city in America and are involved in gang rivalry or the mob.

But then what are the
chances that the members of a gang or the mob would hold some kind of a ball or dance where Romeo and Juliet would even meet?
...AND that they would fall in love in one night...AND that they were both so dumb that they would kill themselves AND that the parents
would be so blind that they never even knew what exactly was going on in their children's lives. (OK, that part is probably more like real
life, but) put all those things together, and the story is POSSIBLE, but not very likely. So, I still don't really think it depicts real
I agree CM... the whole part where they BOTH would be so dumb as to kill themselves..
boys go throough a rough time at that age.. but they are just not as theatrical in their actions.. nor aare they as emotional as girls..
it's just how we are made
(Some believe that Romeo could have been a bit older - late teens or so, but I think that would make it even LESS likely.)
you two are making huge deal over a play that was written 400 years in a culture that no longer exists today.
Why not just enjoy the play as entertainment - which is why Shakespeare wrote it in the first place.
..because it was an interesting and entertaining discussion....?
I CAN"T enjoy Shakespear in any way, shape, or form.. it is just horrible stuff. bleh
i like the songs we're singing for the Shakespear play though!
no no no, i didnt mean that they would fall in love right away, i meant it was like a real teenagers life (or at least the younger) teens
life to SAY that you were in love when you werent...also, that it wasnt a happy ending, not necessarily that a normal person
would kill themselves over that, but just the fact that it wasnt like all the movies where you meet your true love & everything goes perfect
*perfectly the rest of your life...although i do understand that it was just entertainment...that was how thye lived back then though
feuding & holding balls & all the other stuff, if just doesnt make sense why people would act like's kind of interesting
to pick apart their way of life