16 years ago
Crashed my car. Damn, hurt my knee, will be a hole month "carless" and it's not my fault, Damn again
latest #7
Lisa diz
16 years ago
Sorry...Happened to me last month. Sucks!
bserpa diz
16 years ago
Really Sucks
16 years ago
says wow, what happened?? good thing you're not more seriously hurt!! :-o
bserpa diz
16 years ago
Well, nothing too serious, some jerk decided not to stop on a stop sign and hit my car on the side, than a lost the control and...
bserpa diz
16 years ago
... the car landed on a concrete bench or something like it, i hurt my knee because i'm very tall and the car it's a little bit small to me
bserpa diz
16 years ago
But i'm fine, nothing too much, just the sadness of take the bus for almost a month
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