BKtchESL is
14 years ago
I am toying with the idea of making an ESL webpage for my school. What are some good websites to go to for pointers, or other resources?
latest #7
BKtchESL says
14 years ago
Anyone? I reeeeeaaaalllly need some help on this one. :-(
BKtchESL says
14 years ago
Pretty please . . .? :'-(
ktibbs says
14 years ago
What's the purpose of the webpage? Is it to introduce the ESL program?
BKtchESL says
14 years ago
Not to introduce, so much as to keep parents updated, showcase student work, and show what we're doing at school.
BKtchESL says
14 years ago
Thanks for your response, btw! :-)
ktibbs says
14 years ago
Let me post this on my timeline.....
BKtchESL says
14 years ago
You may post away, Kay!
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