14 years ago
hello people i missed you soooo much :-)
latest #38
14 years ago
Welcome back. (cozy) How have you been?
Seishin says
14 years ago
well have good and bad moments but now i am ok ;-) no complaining
14 years ago
Ah, that's great to hear. :-)
Seishin says
14 years ago
what about you something interesting ^^
14 years ago
Nope, nothing interesting at all. Just getting by from day to day.
Seishin says
14 years ago
that's ok too
Seishin says
14 years ago
i guess
Seishin says
14 years ago
14 years ago
It's an absolute bore though.
Seishin says
14 years ago
i am sure there is something to make your day less boring
14 years ago
I wish there was. (LOL) I actually stayed in bed until 4 in the afternoon since there was no point in getting out of bed.
Seishin says
14 years ago
oh come on :-D there should be something... how is the weather at your place ;-)
14 years ago
Horrible. It's gloomy and looks like it has been raining all day.
Seishin says
14 years ago
you should see here everything is wet -combine snow for a day rain for a day and sun and terrible wind and it's sooo cold
Seishin says
14 years ago
but a girl have to do what a girl have to do - enjoy life
Seishin says
14 years ago
Seishin says
14 years ago
14 years ago
Good for you. I've just been totally down as of late.
Seishin says
14 years ago
you'll be back on fun track when spring comes i am sure :-) i can wait it too :-D
14 years ago
I hope so. Also, I need a girl. (lmao)
Seishin says
14 years ago
hahaha only one ?
14 years ago
I'd be happy with one but wouldn't say no if there'd be more. Hahaha.
Seishin says
14 years ago
hahaha well first i guess you have to get off your bed and then go out i am sure that there will be at least one girl ;-)
14 years ago
Nah, stuff like that doesn't happen to me. (LOL)
Seishin says
14 years ago
hahahah did you try it
14 years ago
Yup. I think so. (LOL)
Seishin says
14 years ago
hahahah well then i guess you have to do it more often :-P
14 years ago
Nah, can't handle rejection too well. Plus, situations don't really come up that much.
Seishin says
14 years ago
where are you living... in MANchester? :-P
14 years ago
Hahahaha. You can say that. I work in a data centre which is composed of nothing but guys. (LOL)
Seishin says
14 years ago
that it terrible you should change your work :-P
14 years ago
Seishin says
14 years ago
really i will go crazy if i work only with women :-P
14 years ago
(LOL) I'm managing. It's a great job.
Seishin says
14 years ago
i am sure it is :-P
14 years ago
Yes, it is. Aside from the absolute lack of girls. (LOL)
Seishin says
14 years ago
hahaha you don't have even one there ?
14 years ago
Well, there's 3. I think. (LOL)
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