marthah wonders
16 years ago
bagaimana dengan ekonomi ind?
latest #9
16 years ago
pembahasannya berat :-&
kreaTiiV bilang
16 years ago
iya dech gue pun pusing LOL
kreaTiiV bilang
16 years ago
i dont know about the economical situation in indonesia..but the turmoil is due to IMF.
kreaTiiV bilang
16 years ago
now u guys are going to be paying ur debts until bila2..unless u come up with some miracle
alfierro bilang
16 years ago
wew, u got the answer (woot)
kreaTiiV bilang
16 years ago
lol well thank u for noticing ya :-D
alfierro bilang
16 years ago
But, i think if our goverment having good will and high patriotic to our nation, they will not sell BUMN. isn't it?
kreaTiiV bilang
16 years ago
i guess but u guys hv already sold ur souls to u have a solution to that?
alfierro bilang
16 years ago
no solution..just pasrah...
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