princessbarbie90 hates
14 years ago
the fact tht Ethan & Annie are drifting apart because of the accident :-(
latest #23
DyeaDyeana says
14 years ago
hehe..u're addicted to dat siries yea..
DyeaDyeana says
14 years ago
hurmm..i was working for my blog now.. later check it out wokeh..
DyeaDyeana says
14 years ago
princessbarbie90 says
14 years ago
ok..leave me the link..
princessbarbie90 says
14 years ago
princessbarbie90 says
14 years ago
smhw i feel like connected to the series
princessbarbie90 says
14 years ago
princessbarbie90 says
14 years ago
DyeaDyeana says
14 years ago
hahaha.just when i got sumthing interesting to put inside.. hehehe..still thinking wht shud i write n0w..
DyeaDyeana says
14 years ago
r u feel like annie in the series..?
DyeaDyeana says
14 years ago
princessbarbie90 says
14 years ago
ethan is suddenly changing...
princessbarbie90 says
14 years ago
princessbarbie90 says
14 years ago
dun wanna think bout it
DyeaDyeana says
14 years ago
0wh okie.. hehehehe..
DyeaDyeana says
14 years ago
just take it just ur memory foe him. :-)
princessbarbie90 says
14 years ago
r u planning to go out today???
DyeaDyeana says
14 years ago
nope..just staying here. n u?? kapeh uda nieyh.. hehehe..
princessbarbie90 says
14 years ago
naahhh~ wat bout movie marathon next wednesday?
princessbarbie90 says
14 years ago
DyeaDyeana says
14 years ago
i think it should be okie.. hehehe.. wat mubee u want to watch??
princessbarbie90 says
14 years ago
idk..just random movies not planning any particular one..hahaha
DyeaDyeana says
14 years ago
0kie.. ;-)
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