LynxLee is
15 years ago
smelling tea at work. :-))
latest #18
phyre says
15 years ago
nothing beats coffee mate
LynxLee is
15 years ago
agreeing.. except the fact that lynxlee gets mighty "AWAKE" after coffee
phyre says
15 years ago
and I gets nothing after 6 cuppa ... not fair !
LynxLee says
15 years ago
consider that a blessing. I love coffee, but it makes me not sleep for a day, two or so on. TORTURE I tell ya! (body sleeping, mind awake)
phyre says
15 years ago
ahh ... but when u need to have the booster to stay awake and NOTHING helps... thats a killer too
phyre says
15 years ago
in this case its mine sleeping and body's awake
LynxLee says
15 years ago
(LOL) looks like we might be able to help each other transfer some habit.. :-P
phyre says
15 years ago
if 6 coffee cant help ... i doubt that 8 wud do
LynxLee says
15 years ago
it's in the mind.. I think I must've programmed my mind that coffee can keep me awake too much. Much like yours..
LynxLee says
15 years ago
when I was a kid, I used to drink lots and still manage to sleep
ShinyiScribbles says
15 years ago
i will make "coffee-lite" for meow-meow
LynxLee says
15 years ago
MC2/Y2B loves
15 years ago
MC2/Y2B says
15 years ago
lynxlee , tea on Friday 12/02/10?
ShinyiScribbles asks
15 years ago
how come tea today?
MC2/Y2B loves
15 years ago
ShinyiScribbles says
15 years ago
but u guys had coffee duh (thinking)
MC2/Y2B wonders
15 years ago
why happypassion had tea when there's vanilla!
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