Cindy Thomas is
15 years ago
going on a Plurk diet. The Karma thing being lowered just for having a life is just old...
latest #23
Cindy Thomas says
15 years ago
Even tho the new thing is if you are inactive more than 12 hours...
Cindy Thomas says
15 years ago
but still... 12 hours?? We have to be on Plurk EVERY single day? Honestly.. for what??
Cindy Thomas says
15 years ago
We are married, parents, work, work at home, live, get sick, travel evacuate from hurricanes...
Cindy Thomas says
15 years ago
Yet if we don't get online and plurk, we lose karma...
Cindy Thomas says
15 years ago
for me, it's Plurk diet time.. I love Plurk... just tired of this Karma thing.. I have a life and a business.. kids and a hubby..
Cindy Thomas says
15 years ago
that said... (s_bye)
15 years ago
BloomKitty says
15 years ago
I stopped looking at the karma. I'm just here to say howdy to friends. :-)
15 years ago
says I do think the Plurk team listens to user feedback, so I'm hopeful that the system will improve over time
ツ Mike says
15 years ago
Good Morning Cindy!
15 years ago
How to remove Karma from your dashboard - after a 2wk or 2 you'll never think of karma again
ツ Mike says
15 years ago
Ditto nethead: I use chewbocka's infinite karma idea at my profile. I don't even know what my plurk karma is right now.
15 years ago
you are so right, cindy.
15 years ago
i don't even look at karma anymore but it still irks me that the development team put it on the front burner again.
karma medic says
15 years ago
karma medic wonders
15 years ago
if this is true?
karma medic wishes
15 years ago
she could sing this reply.
Hope says
15 years ago
I know what you mean Cindy. I'll see ya when you return. ;-)
karma medic says
15 years ago
You are?
karma medic wishes
15 years ago
she could sing this reply.
karma medic thinks
15 years ago
you're right.
karma medic thinks
15 years ago
there's some merit to that.
karma medic feels
15 years ago
like she's been repeating herself.
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