Carmen` says
14 years ago
secondary is killing me. srsly. i wana die. everyday copy copy copy duno wat crap n i dun undetstand ANYTHINGGG D:
latest #31
14 years ago
you'll get used to it :-)
Carmen` says
14 years ago
D: k. but ur in diff country rite ? so its probably diff there :/
14 years ago
yeah, but then again, I've been in high school for a total of three years now.
Carmen` says
14 years ago
ahahaha . true.true. x)
Carmen` says
14 years ago
tchs there are sooo boring D: i fell asleep duno how many thousand times :/
Yun says
14 years ago
Falling asleep, hating copying things off the board.....sound like me in school XD
Carmen` says
14 years ago
ahahahhaa x) where are you frm ? :-o
Yun says
14 years ago
Same as Renee...just on the other side LOL
Carmen` says
14 years ago
ohhh. icic :-D:-D andand all the tchs are teaching in malay andand... my malay... sucks >.<
Yun says
14 years ago
Awww Study more then?
Carmen` says
14 years ago
LOLL no way x) ahahahha. studying is the last thing that i wana do >.< ever.
14 years ago
LMAO hwaiting!
Yun says
14 years ago
Good point...But studying gets you a job!! Yes I'm making you your best at least...sleep in boring don't need classes XD
Carmen` says
14 years ago
LOLLL thx! :-D
Carmen` says
14 years ago
ahahahah, i know that :-D but im still always lazy to study xP
Carmen` says
14 years ago
andand, if im not sleeping in class, im wondering around the scul. muahahaha.
Carmen` says
14 years ago
Yun says
14 years ago
LMAO You actually get to ditch!?
Carmen` says
14 years ago
YEAHHH :-D:-D its awesomee ;-) all influence by me frens x)
Carmen` says
14 years ago
influenced *
Yun says
14 years ago
ZOMG I wanna ditch classes!!
Carmen` says
14 years ago
ahahahah hwaitingg ! ;-) its rly awesomeeee ! :-D:-D if tch catches you, just run away. LOLLL
14 years ago
dudeeee I'd be in heapsss deep shit if I ditched xD
Yun says
14 years ago
Actually same...I'd get suspended...
14 years ago
yeahh @__@
Carmen` says
14 years ago
WOAH ._. i got caught just now. heh but i ran away anyways :-D:-D
Carmen` says
14 years ago
they didnt see my name tag soo.. too baddd :-P
14 years ago
LOLL we don't even wear name tags xD
Carmen` says
14 years ago
LOLLL soo goooddd xP i hate name tags D: its like , whenever u dont wana let someone knw ur name they just see ur name tag and BAM ..
Carmen` says
14 years ago
they knw ur name ._.
14 years ago
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