nope, not me, definitely not
no, not you. this really UGLY UGLY and also just CREEPY guy i was in college with.
i just saw a photo of him and he looks.... HANDSOME. also, he has a very enviable job in the BBC.
that settles it WE ALL NEED NEW NOSES
take a memory upgrade and some patience, though, please?
i LOVE my nose. he was a really HIDEOUSLY UNNATRACTIVE person, both in terms of personality and also in in terms of personal hygene.
WE DO NOT HAVE THOSE PROBLEMS and also, whatever, you can't have a personality transplant.
he used to have dandruff instead of a personality. and, also, i HATE SURGERY. why would you do that ONE PURPOSE??
agrees that surgery is not sumthin I'd wanna do unless truly necessary.
people are strange ducks. thats fo sho!
maybe he had a deviated septum. Ask him about pink grapefruit!!!
my mother is reading and LAUGHING OUT LOUD!! so annoying. oh, for... now she's READING IT TO ME!
erm, what's a deviated septum? and what about pink grapefruit??
people are MENTAL, especially my mother.
this is where I got hopelessly lost last time
OH, badbidbod is on uvumi. dunno how to link him.
having deja vu all over again.
deja vu?? am i repeating myself? i do that sometimes. am feeling SUPER ANXIOUS today. sorry.
it's philoseptumgrapefruits
oh... can someone explain them or is it an injoke which i am not in on? and must i endure a ritual spanking?
it is impossible to explain philosillies. And nobuddy is gonna spank you. Sorry.
wasn't trying to be exclusive. We had a talk about nose jobs here. People sometimes blame nose jobs on having an issue called a ...
deviated septum which *needs* to be corrected. I had a friend who's surgeon told her to think of pink grapefruit to avoid sneezing.
actually the conversation was about looking at the sun and sneezing. Not sure why I brought all this up in that plurk either!
OOOOOOHHHHHH!!!!!! do they?? pink grapefruit... *frowns* i would ask him, except i haven't spoken to him since 1999.
*pads off to find some better anecdotes*
oh YES!! now i remember, THE SUN!
*giggles* see? Even philo can't 'splain philo.
don't worry. i am going to borrow these anecdotes and try them on my collegues tomorrow.
EVEN THOUGH i don't really understand them!!
now i am going to bed. GOODNIGHT.
sleep well, Jazz!

g night bo
nite nite Jazz!
have a great evening j