VelvetCyberpunk says
15 years ago
I goy a call from Hank's sister and apparently he has tongue, throat, saliva gland and tonsil cancer. Radiation would do more harm than...
latest #17
15 years ago
good , and he may not even survive the treatments. Also there is no guarantee that the radiation treatments would get rid of the cancer.
15 years ago
Oh, that is awful. (cozy)
blipvert says
15 years ago
(cozy) I have no words. :'-(
Raven Eclipse
15 years ago
15 years ago
Thank you all. The radiation would also burn his throat until it was raw and it would kill his saliva glands so that he would always...
15 years ago
have a dry mouth and would have to have some kind of device to wet this mouth and throat. :-(
Raven Eclipse
15 years ago
15 years ago
15 years ago
My heart is broken. I'm just so sad about all of this. As I was saying in another forum, I've been lucky in that...
15 years ago
not a lot of people that I am close to have died. Of course that also means that I am unexperienced and unprepared for stuff like this.
15 years ago
blipvert says
15 years ago
I don't think there really is any being prepared... ever...
blipvert says
15 years ago
When it's someone you really care about, every time is like the first time. (cozy)
VelvetCyberpunk says
15 years ago
(cozy) and (K) To you all!
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