it's not very good. i never like ANYTHING i read.
*frowns* someone needs to write better books.

what i'm listening to - a band from aberystwyth where i previously lived once.
do you like sci-fi at all?
mm.... i haven't really read any. i read the possibility of an island, which i loved and then someone told me it was antimuslim...
... and i felt bad because i hadn't noticed.
I've never heard of it before. Hm.
it's by a french guy. called michelle houellebeque (spell??)
*reads first page* It does seem a bit ... vitriolic.
oh, it's REALLY GOOD. it's about how people these days are scared of growing OLD.
honestly, it's REALLY GOOD!! the end, especially, is very... just right.
have you ever read Middlesex?
no, i have not what is it?? *goes to look it up*
it's a coming-of-age story of someone with a unique medical condition
and it has lots of history of early 20th century Greece, and Detroit during the race riots
GAH!!! THAT SOUNDS SO SCARY!! i can't read that!!
it sounds very well written, but have you read the house of sleep?? my cousin lent it to me when i was a student...
it's really not that scary ...?
it IS scary!! any kind of surgery is scary.
what is the house of sleep? *looks it up*
it's about people with sleep disorders, but that's not the scary part.
the scary part is surgery?
yes. the scary part is surgery. or okay, this guy has surgery to become a gal because he is in love with this woman who is a lesbian...
... then she stops being a lesbian.
according to my cousin that's actually not what the books about, but that's all i got out of it.
Middlesex isn't like that at all though.
No one gets life-altering surgery.
because it reminds you of the other book?
... i suppose. also because the other book reminds me of someone i used to work with who was similarly tragic.
not because his/her story was the same, actually, more because i knew him/her at the same time as reading the other book.
Have you read any Gabriel Garcia Marquez?
no. that's my GFs type reading. we do own it, though. is it good?
It's all right. I think some of his other books are better.
The best part of 100 years of solitude is the first line, really.
oh, i could probably manage that!!
oh, HOORAY!! MY DINNER HAS BEEN PREPARED BY SOMEONE ELSE!! and now i'm going to EAT IT. *grins*
catch you later, kilexia.
happy eaties, Jazz!
dinsdins -
YO!! have you ever seen HIVES before?? i just saw them for the FIRST TIME EVER.
it's not a band. its a rash. sorry. just reread that and realised it sounded WAY MORE INTERESTING than what it was.
You have hives from your Mom's cooking?
What are you talking about?
what are you talking about??
actually, it's probably the HEAT.
I hate hives - do you have any benadryl or zyrtec for her
take care of her - I'm doing homework now
no... dr alan gave her something BLUE which i assume is an antihistamine.
Dr Alan
okay that's good a doctor is involved
okay, good luck with the homework. that's his name.
maybe it's stress from hanging out with you
well, I'VE never seen it before. they just BROKE OUT. you know.... that's what she said!!
I'm so funny - getting a master's degree at such an advanced age is hard but hopefully worth it - I have like 15 years left to work
got a couple of hives once as a reaction to an antibiotic.
I'm allergic to pineapples and had a terrible case once from that and once I had another bad case from nerves
ANTIBIOTICS?? NERVES?? he said most likely either heat or food.
allergic to pinapple?? my mum told me that my brother is allergic to normal apples.
I know a guy allergic to apples - it's the skin he's allergic to
okay I have to go - catch ya later everybody!
*waves* take care, Raine!
bye raine. *waves* my cousin is allergic to her own HAIR.
SLEEP. goodnight everyone.
oh look, the needs button got stuck again. good grief.

the buttons read your true feelings.

or were you giving them to Jazz?

Raine! and

oo. when you've finished, tell me if you still liked it. i've finished my book. it was crap.