{Y}ILING♥ says
15 years ago
OMG pris lam got slapped . aiyah she deserved it anyway
latest #12
Venise says
15 years ago
OMG yi ling i just found out you are so mean!
15 years ago
haha sorry lor ....
15 years ago
ookok is half viven and half pris falut okok??
Venise says
15 years ago
yeah! really got the scar of red rleh! like both side also have i see today!
Chloe's B2ST says
15 years ago
by who
15 years ago
reply you .
Venise says
15 years ago
priscilla lam lah!?
Chloe's B2ST says
15 years ago
Chloe's B2ST says
15 years ago
can't you see the lam there?!
Venise says
15 years ago
hahaha! ceso sarastic!
Venise says
15 years ago
i mean chloe so sarcastic!
Chloe's B2ST says
15 years ago
Lols, really what
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