worked for 12 hours straight! -falls over-
latest #17
clings to him. "I-I...I'm so tired... ;A;
appears with a comfy robe and some cocoa.
picks him up, placing him in his lap. "Poor Liebe, danke Russland."
-grabby hands at the cocoa and Ivan- >A<
smiles, coming closer and helping wrap him in the robe and handing him the coca as he pets his hair," Poor solnyshka."
frowned, handing him over. "Hmph."
squeaks a little. "D-don't worry Roddy I love you tooooo."
pouts a little, shying away to hide behind Ivan.
cocks his head," Roderich, can we not both pet him?" Russia is confused.
(( AHHH THE SCARY MAN'S TALKING TO ME AGAIN ;A; -doesnt respond- ))
frowned. "He wants you not me."
blinks," But...he said he loved you?" Nudges at Tino," Did you not?"
"Y-yeahhh...I love lotsa people!" >u<~
frowned and pointed at Tino. "He's a liar."
cries. "A-am notttt!" ;0;
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