SL overnight scored a Tigris, Bellambia, Oxidatum, Chromium, Monk, Cutie, 2 Cal Deathcaps, 3 Davanicus, 2 Theobromas, and 4 Tears.
Wow, you were *busy*! (Especially the Bellambia, that was hard for me.)
*grins* They are rare beasties.
There's a trick to the Cuties and Elf Ears....
I think I got the Bellambia in Glengarry.
Elf Ears are extinct until further notice. The Shelf Elf dug up their habitat.
Really, she never put them back? I'll have to look into this.
According to Dean Gray, there is a plan to return them. There's a push to get people back into the mushrooms again.
[looks] guilty and embarrassed.
confused? Wait, are you referring to Caledon Mushroom varieties?
Well, not "Caledon" as much as "Roses".
Why are you guilty and embarrassed?
'Cause I was supposed to be helping keep up interest and I fried instead.
That's not your fault. Des has made it impossible. He needs to leak *some* info about what to do with these things...
or start trading recipes. I've burned tons of shrooms on the table and didn't get a thing for a long while.
I wasn't even sure the tables were working.
That's not the Guvnah, that's Avaria.
I got Avaria's to work. And they were trading recipes. It was Cal's that I couldn't get to work.
You've been to the ships above Oxbridge?
That's odd, they were supposed to work together. I went to the workshop before the ships were launched.
Perhaps they were working, but in Avaria, people were there to help and give starter recipes.
In cal, I was just burning through mushrooms blindly
It was only last weekend when Foggy held a shroom meeting and assured us it was working and gave us some hints did I go back.
I'm appreciative she's been using the Ning for the purpose it was started.
I'm waiting for a devious recipe that requires tons of 'Nicholas Shrooms'
The "Delight of the Realm" recipe requires a Nicholas, allegedly, but I can't confirm that.