needleglyphs says
16 years ago
Dudley, the handsome guy in my avatar just ate my checkbook
latest #11
Knit1Eat2 says
16 years ago
Is he all right?
needleglyphs says
16 years ago
yes, it was leather and now one corner is gone
needleglyphs says
16 years ago
he was having a grand time too
Knit1Eat2 says
16 years ago
As long as Dudley's OK. Checkbooks can be replaced; Dudleys can't
needleglyphs says
16 years ago
that is so true and he is a very sweet boy
knittolive says
16 years ago
oh man, he is just too cute to get in trouble...right? Mine likes to eat I have to keep my needles away!
welshmillie says
16 years ago
oh dear Dudley, haven't you learnt that that tasty thing buys doggy treats?
needleglyphs says
16 years ago
he is just fine, I wasn't paying enough attention to him, so he sneaks things to chew
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