yinxie says
14 years ago
will be out the whole day tomorrow :-)) training in the morning,shop with bro for his pants, dinner with besties! baking at ngiht may be?
latest #13
chewyinli says
14 years ago
ehh. what time you finish in the morning?
WhYmiki says
14 years ago
wow...so busy wor (LOL)
yinxie says
14 years ago
chewyinli: 12 i hope?
yinxie says
14 years ago
WhYmiki: yealor... have to have bonding time with family and friends also ma =p
chewyinli says
14 years ago
uhm ookay. not too late lah kay. ask daddy to drop you both.
chewyinli says
14 years ago
i'll reconfirm where will i be tmr again
yinxie says
14 years ago
i think i have transport if my friend going to practise yoyo tomorrow in sunway? (goodluck)
chewyinli says
14 years ago
yinxie says
14 years ago
yes lar yes la!!! haiyo!
Kiddult says
14 years ago
SLEEP LAA~!!!! Still awake ar you...
yinxie says
14 years ago
YESH LA!!! yes!!! :-D
Kiddult says
14 years ago
JCKS says
14 years ago
send something u baked tp me XP
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