neuroticaly hates
14 years ago
commuting. but more than that, i hate the creeps I commute with. (angry)
latest #6
Bea Siga
14 years ago
agrees :| :| I hate guys who stare :|
14 years ago
same here. and today, this asshole had the nerves to caress my leg and ask fr my number. (annoyed)
Bea Siga
14 years ago
:\ SDJFKDLSJFLKSDJ worst I got was this dude who kept on poking me :|
14 years ago
What?! Yikes.
14 years ago
(annoyed) I'm just really pissed off. It was worse last time. An old creep caressed my butt. (angry) I hate those pigs.
14 years ago
Damn pervs.
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