longadin says
14 years ago
hola bar folks, do u think u can spare just 5 bucks or 10 bucks for Haiti? bit.ly/8TIMAL
latest #33
ಠ_ಠ ravenelle
14 years ago
daphnemaia says
14 years ago
shareddddd =)
longadin says
14 years ago
thanks kitty.
daphnemaia says
14 years ago
will donate a bit later.. hee. in concall now..
longadin says
14 years ago
let's hope we can make a difference!
longadin says
14 years ago
haha concall and plurking? tsk tsk
daphnemaia says
14 years ago
shh! :-P
longadin says
14 years ago
haha alright. thanks again!
ಠ_ಠ ravenelle
14 years ago
done-d. small amt sowwee
longadin says
14 years ago
is ok, every bit counts towards surpassing 50k and the 100k target! :-P
longadin says
14 years ago
thanks a bunch!
14 years ago
14 years ago
longadin says
14 years ago
why is there a why? u're just donating so you can help.
longadin says
14 years ago
if you don't wanna give, i'm not gonna debate la
longadin says
14 years ago
jf: thanks!
14 years ago
ignore TK_ la... he's juz being true to his online persona
14 years ago
for all u know, he mite have donated alr
14 years ago
longadin says
14 years ago
i know i'm just telling him i'm not gonna bother to argue la
14 years ago
=) cheers bro, its 530 liaos... Wednesday is coming and tues is almost over
ಠ_ಠ ravenelle
14 years ago
yes it is tax deductable. i got my receipt
longadin says
14 years ago
so you can claim it when income tax rolls around? if so, i'll add it to the Q&A
ಠ_ಠ ravenelle
14 years ago
keep the e-receipt lor. can print out as documentation i guess.
ಠ_ಠ ravenelle
14 years ago
Note: Your gift is tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.
ಠ_ಠ ravenelle
14 years ago
that's all that was mentioned. keep the credit card statements too. should be fine.
longadin says
14 years ago
hmm yah i saw that but not sure if it applies in sg. :-) oh well. thanks!
14 years ago
all donations are applicable provided you reveal who you are... which begs the question again... Why?
14 years ago
why why TK_
longadin says
14 years ago
applicable? what? it's kept anon if u choose
14 years ago
applicable for tax deduction
14 years ago
anon you cannot put in your income tax
longadin says
14 years ago
ah ok that clears it up. thanks.
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