jacqis is
16 years ago
going to watch SATC soon. Waited toooo long
latest #12
wanida says
16 years ago
SHOWOFF! i've yet to watch it. :-(
jacqis says
16 years ago
hmm..a guy saying he enjoyed it feels weird
jacqis thinks
16 years ago
she may be going a second time :-))
jadegirlv will
16 years ago
watch it soon too and also plan to buy the dvd so she can re-watch it many times ;-)
jacqis says
16 years ago
jadegirlv! I think thinking to get DVD too! :-D
jacqis says
16 years ago
uniquefrequency, i think it's a show made for females. Didn't even think to ask my hubby to watch it.
jacqis says
16 years ago
ahhh..i only like season1 -3. Anyway the rest didn't feature Big so you didn't miss much. Well, it's cool u like it.
wanida says
16 years ago
jac, darly day is a female in a guy's body. seriously. you should see pictures of him looking like a butch. hur.
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