PHAT168 asks
15 years ago
CoyoteUgly or plurk friends. If I want to delete, say Plurkbuddy's box with messages, how do i do it. :-(
latest #11
15 years ago
oh, i've got plurkbuddy hovering around for the longest time...!
CoyoteUgly says
15 years ago
u can't delete plurkbud's box dear veiw your msgs, click on the left bottom
CoyoteUgly says
15 years ago
which said xxx unread msg and it wud take u to all ur unread msgs & click to the extremed
CoyoteUgly says
15 years ago
right to read from the earliest msgs down to the latest
AuntyLazyBath says
15 years ago
U can't. Plurk Buddy comes w/ Plurk the moment we sign on.
15 years ago
'best buddy forever'!
CoyoteUgly says
15 years ago
Plurk Buddy is all our permanent buddy on Plurkland :-D
PHAT168 says
15 years ago
*Sigh*....So very confused.... :-(
CoyoteUgly says
15 years ago
(wave)PHAT168 .. there is a left & right of the Pklurk msg box..use ur cursor to locate it & u can click on arrow to go to
CoyoteUgly says
15 years ago
far right to read older unread msgs up to the latest one or you can do vicce versa
CoyoteUgly says
15 years ago
u hv to click on unread msgs on bottom left of the Plurk msg box first of course to bring up all your unread msgs
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