certain snippets of song are just in repeat in my head all the time
ive had some of the same ones for YEARS
My brain is just a jukebox full of earworms and it's set to random. I get what you mean.
Yeah, usually it's fine, miscellaneous songs, but I had one stuck in my head for a week recently, so that was less fun. Sometimes if a song is stuck in my head too long, it corrupts and starts sounding different.
At times my brain will act like an entire music collection set to shuffle and a song will pop in my head and stick for days.
My brain decided many years ago that a few songs, chief among them Bowie's "Ashes to Ashes", were the best songs ever, and I have really had no say in this matter since then. There are a few others, but it's a short list.
and all of these songs, like... I have very good recall of the entire song. It's playing in there. The whole recording.
If anything is off, it's usually the key.
This was a while ago, but "If I Were a Rich Man" from Fiddler on the roof popped on my head and it stuck there for weeks. I was working retail at the time and hummed it and danced down the aisles.
yes, sometimes it's like 3 bars of a song and my brain insists on playing it for me over and over on repeat until I wantt o cry
Wake up - from Once Upon a Forest
Jack's Lament - from TNBC
Flight of Dragons Theme
Lon Lon Ranch Theme from Zelda
The ones that really annoy me are the ones where the music sticks, but the actual source of said music doesn't
But also there are the songs that morph into other songs, e.g. Backside of the TV from Persona 4 inevitably turning into Beck's Loser
`"The sound you’re about to hear is deep down hip hop/What you gone do when they start to come up - KILL THE HEADLIGHTS AND PUT IT IN NEUTRAL" etc.
2025-03-16T07:33:09.000Z 2025-03-16T07:34:09.000Z
...Though now that I'm looking at the lyrics, they fit better than I would have thought, or at least those particular lyrics do
my brain sticks with one incredibly random song
baby beluga plays in my head when I'm feeling whimsy and enjoying being near water/the sea 😭
Oh yeah. My brain just gets stuck on certain songs that it will play throughout the day. Weirdly enough, the Smurfs theme is almost always playing up there. I haven't watched the Smurfs in decades, but.... Flagpole Sitta is another one.
Which drives me nuts because while I do know all the words....not the right order in which they go.
Oh no Flagpole Sitta (it's time for an internal Harvey Danger concert!)