United States-Japan Joint Leaders’ Statement Alexander Huang 關於台灣... 日本首相石破茂與川普會面後,白宮發表了美日兩國的聯合聲明中提到:「兩位領導人強調維護台海和平與穩定的重要性,並將其視為國際社會安全與繁榮不可或缺的要素。他們鼓勵以和平方式解決兩岸問題,並反對任何企圖以武力或脅迫手段單方面改變現狀的行為。兩位領導人還表示支持台灣有意義地參與國際組織。」
The two leaders emphasized the importance of maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait as an indispensable element of security and prosperity for the international community.
They encouraged the peaceful resolution of cross-Strait issues, and opposed any attempts to unilaterally change the status quo by force or coercion. The two leaders also expressed support for Taiwan’s meaningful participation in international organizations.
--- The two leaders reiterated their strong opposition to any attempts by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to change the status quo by force or coercion in the East China Sea.
The two leaders reaffirmed their strong opposition to the PRC’s unlawful maritime claims, militarization of reclaimed features, and threatening and provocative activities in the South China Sea. --