16 years ago
I hope these get better But Microsoft has to do something, not sure this is it.
latest #8
dmantz7 says
16 years ago
the same commercial just played on ESPN. Not funny at all.
jgustin says
16 years ago
It looks like a commercial that the PC guy from the Mac commercials would make.
kshelton says
16 years ago
that commercial sucked!!!
shareski says
16 years ago
I'm going to reserve judgment. As a Seinfeld fanatic, I'm sure it'll get better...Maybe. ;-)
kshelton says
16 years ago
Oh I am a big Seinfeld guy myself, it is just that commercial lacked any spark or flare that we would usually find with Seinfeld
joebjr says
16 years ago
this is EXACTLY what you'd expect the PC guy to make - even with Seinfeld!
vdub144 says
16 years ago
Why is Gates making these? Strongly believe he needs to keep redefining himself w/ his outreach to 3rd world. He IS the richest man on earth
shareski says
16 years ago
Microsoft has to respond to Apple...they are gaining too much ground
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