[canpol] I am glad, at least, that Trump's buffoonery is bringing all the leaders together to say "hey fuck that, and you"
latest #16
except the alberta premier of course
she's still going down for inauguration day
trump doing a great job of pissing off every single country in the world so much that they aren't even willing to pretend they like america any more
yeah i dont know what he expects to happen. is he just so used to being rich he thinks aything is buyable? is it a distraction? im quite baffled
Thank you rest of the world for having some kind of sense
raspberrydrink: buyable or sellable, is my guess. I do not put it past our Dick Tater to potentially hand this country on a silver platter to one of his other totalitarian buddies
es un elote
this really keeps feeling like a springtime for hitler situation every goddamn time and I know it’s not
Sometimes I think attributing thought to what he does is giving too much credit
he just says shit based on whatever he saw on FOX recently
hanukah nipples
21 hours ago
He isnt even rich. He burned through daddys money and has declared bankruptcy so many times. Failed so many businesses. But i guess having been born rich means you still get treated as rich forever even when you’re technically broke.
21 hours ago
he'll just take the money out of the country's pockets, big shock
hanukah nipples
21 hours ago
Basically. Just keep getting bailed out no matter how much he fails.
how about no
16 hours ago
and really I don't give a fuck how many times he says he's gonna rename the gulf of mexico or something, he has dementia or at least some brain diminishing going on
how about no
16 hours ago
he just speaks complete nonsense
how about no
16 hours ago
and people voted for that
how about no
16 hours ago
they get what they deserve and I have no sympathy for them, it just sucks that the rest of us are going to have to deal with the bullshit and the damaging aftereffects of it. again. because people were still really fucking mad a black man got elected
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