Personally I have definitely had premonitial dreams (which I will describe next) and believe we have some connection to our own mind in future time and space, so tarot is a way to connect with our future self
My experience with premonitions and premonitial dreams is they are not 1-to-1
I don't dream of something that later happens, but there will be elements that are obviously applicable once I know what I need to look for
My ur-example is the fact that I dreamed about my husband before I met him - I had the dream in the summer before 9th grade, but met him in October of 10th
I think the human mind can do a lot more than we realize, and there have been way too many cases of viable premonitions to dismiss the idea. Even real science is looking into it.
In the dream I drove to a flea market and met up with him (n8) and his dad (Bob). When i approached them, they were standing at the tailgate of Bob's truck and talking. I walked up and put my chin on n8's shoulder, being just the right height for that to work out
They kept talking and i got bored, so I went in the flea market. Someone had the radio playing loudly. It was Jack & Diane by John Cougar Mellancamp
This never ended up happening, but Bob's main hobby when I was in my teens and twenties was flea market and antuiquiing. He was a handyman and always drove a truck. N8 was wearing glasses in the ream; I told him one day he'd end up in glasses and he didn't believe me, but ended up with a Rx when he was 22
N8 is exactly thr perfect height for me to walk up and put my chin on his shoulder
Jack & Diane is about high school sweethearts
crossthesky: Yes, exactly! That's what I was going to bring up as in intro to the podcast episode I'm going to link
So the research is showing there's something to this. They did a study where they had 3 groups - each group got a list of 10 words to memorize. The control group tried to memorize the words, then were quizzed. Test group A were given a refresher before the quiz
Test group B were given a refresher after the quiz. But test group B tested on par with test group A
Now, this podcast, the host is into a lot of woo that i think one should take anything he says with caution, but the guest is solid. He wrote a book based on this research and anecdotal evidence he has uncovered via years of interviews etc
Scientists Just Proved How Dreams Accurately Predict...
I haven't heard this entire episode - for some reason my brother didn't let me know they were watching it until they were 30 minutes in, and we didn't get to the end
But I'm going to tart it over and pay attention and take notes
while i personally don't believe in anything supernatural like this, i can appreciate it when people do; i have a lot of pagan or otherwise witchy friends whose practices i think are super lovely and so even if i don't believe there's anything supernatural about any of it i do respect and appreciate the intention behind it
i actually really like tarot, in that vein. i don't believe it has any special divination properties, but i do think it's useful as a self-reflection tool
Same here - my brother thinks it's some kind of spirits but I think it has something to do with the power of the mind
if you're willing to engage with the cards earnestly, they can be a way to make you think about perspectives that wouldn't have occurred to you immediately
He tried to get me to attend my mom's spiritualist church with him and my parents while he was here last week and I said no
Because that's not how I view this stuff
Yeah, exactly. Like...we have the saying 'trust your gut' for a reason. Mankind has long understood the brain picks up on things we aren't aware of all the time.
Anyway if anyone watches the podcast episode and would like to discuss here I'd love to hear your thoughts!
I've been chewing on this literally since I was a young teen and was having these dreams that were obviously premonitional
And yeah, this is being studied not just by parapsychologists and pseudo-scientists with an agenda, actual neurologists are invested in this and trying to figure out the brain's predictive abilities.
(Another I had, when I was pregnant with my 2nd child, was that I'd have twins one day. When we got to child 4 and never had twins we were just like, guess that wasn't a premonition. But then we had our oops twins 6 years after the 4th child)
And that s what they consider it to be, a very advanced form of prediction using a variety of environmental and experience cues. Basically how advanced are the simulations our brains are running to figure out outcomes, wthout us even being aware iits happening?
I'm partially very interested in studying this as kind of a denouement of the period of time where I was religious and thought it was visions from god
Which is how I look at it. Yeah, you know me, I am open to there being more to existence than we understand. But Science is amazing and brains are amazing and we know enough to know we don't know everything about how they work.
And it's really fascinating to lern what actual science is uncovering, in the process of discovering
And just because we don't understand a thing now, with our current level of science and understanding, doesn't mean we still won't in the future.
I also feel it's interesting kids can do this stuff better than adults. I had a streak of time while I was in middle school where I would go, "the phone's about to ring" and it would
Like literally out loud, and then it rang like 3 seconds later
But I definitely don't have whatever that was anymore
Since my mom's a spiritualist she had me doing meditation tapes where they try to get you to view past lives and people
And I think concentrating on that woo stuff made it stop
Well, my brother and I had a long talk about this stuff just now, it was about 2.5 hours, and we definitely view some of this stuff differently
But I also really need to get through the full video to help me see what I think based on what the research shows etc
His main opinion as of now, as far as the reason I called him, is that doing your own tarot readings leads to self-fulfilling prophecy