【オルフェーヴル】2011年菊花賞 史上7頭目の三冠制覇 実況:岡安譲《Triple Crown #7 ...win variation rly kicking it into gear after the 4th corner and suddenly gaining the speed and energy to go from far back of the pack -> 2nd. rly, smth abt his energy rly makes it feel like he wanted to catch up to orfevre no matter what
T T............... win variation's performance declining in his 4th year + sustaining an injury but somehow able to send off orfevre in the best way possible by coming in 2nd place to orfevre's 1st one last time.........
whenever there's a monstrous horse in any era, there's often feelings towards that horse's less popular contemporaries along the lines of "ah, if only these horses weren't born in the same period as this crazy outstanding horse. they would've received the public attn, accolades, and achievements that they deserve."
which was sort of the feeling ppl had towards win variation. obv i had my bias of only looking into win variation-related information After experiencing shion's ikusei in uma, but i strongly felt that win variation could only perform to the level that he did against orfevre Because orfevre was there.
inb4 "why are you suddenly saying this now" bc i just came across this random businessman's blog and he looks to have felt similarly abt win variation being in the same era as orfevre【悲しき2番手】ウインバリアシオンにとことん寄り添ってみた!|やまろぐ