miere ᯓ★
2 months ago
me: im not a conspiracy theorist wdym
also me: hey so the world WILL end or atleast have major problems in 2038 do you wanna know why let me tell you my theories... its been years since someone's asked me about my theories...
latest #13
girly teengirl
2 months ago
Please tell me about your theories
2 months ago
i'm curious
miere ᯓ★
2 months ago
i will tell you EVERYTHING so in 2038 a major issue in the way that computers store time is going to become a big issue and people are calling it y2k38! computers store time by counting the number of seconds since january 1 1970. that number can only be 32 digits long, but on january 19th 2038, at 3:14:07 it's going to overflow! i'm writing more dw
miere ᯓ★
2 months ago
that means any computers using the 32 digit integer system will reset the time back to 00:00:00 jan. 1 1970, which is a BIG problem! this could cause similar problems to what happened during y2k, such as so many programs crashing, including programs important to hospitals, transportation services, and nuclear power plants (big uh oh!) one more paragraph
miere ᯓ★
2 months ago
the simplest solution to this is to change all programs using 32 digit integer stysyems and have them use 64 digit integer systems! this will make it so that we will avoid y2k38, and will never have another event like it, because 64 digit integers account for more lifespan than the universe itself and that's basically it! update your computers!!
2 months ago
2 months ago
holy moley
miere ᯓ★
2 months ago
2 months ago
do u think people will still freak out though after the first y2k
miere ᯓ★
2 months ago
i think a lot of misinformation is going to be spread + lots of scaremongering causing people to freak out, but we avoided y2k so we should be able to avoid this too, people are already working on solutions
2 months ago
makes sense i feel so smart now
miere ᯓ★
2 months ago
i feel like a GENIUS i'm a TEACHER!
2 months ago
yeah you are
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