1 weeks ago
did some reworking and edits on Grey Swan to bring it up to date with the stuff I finally nailed down in the rest of the stuff.
latest #7
1 weeks ago
also finalized some stuff in a world document so I stop forgetting stuff.
1 weeks ago
It's written down now, so it's no longer in the three pounds of soggy bacon contained in my skull.
1 weeks ago
worked with a character to find out she's going to be pretty bitter, so I have a stinger for the end of the book.
1 weeks ago
had some ideas about the dystopian superbeings novel that I was also thinking about, including why, when the event that causes superpowers to appear, about two-thirds who get them die horribly as a result.
1 weeks ago
(it reflects your insights and interests; if you're asked what superpower you have, you'd answer it. A lot of people would forget to add in the Necessary Secondary Superpowers...)
1 weeks ago
yeah, I find jotting down ideas, even when they're super rough, usually helps to keep them solidified as concepts
1 weeks ago
it's helped a lot with my various ideas
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