1: I still have a lot of compulsory romantic thoughts stuck in my head
that I'm slowly straining out
like a guy with a net straining leaves out of his pool
Still keep on defaulting to romantics when making characters for various projects despite thinking "UGH I'm gonna have to actually WRITE a ROMANCE SCENE" every time
I don't actually have to do that
I get now why some of my friends are like "Sorry I can't play men anymore."
It's exhausting to pretend to care about this shit
2: Do other people find themselves occasionally compiling a "if I had to pick a dude/chick" list, or do I have to bite the bullet and accept that I might be slightly bisexual?
I think if there's a list it's probably a tick in the bisexual column, but that's just my opinion
It's also my opinion that gender-attraction is more like a bell curve
So you can in fact be "a little bisexual"
I think what it means, and this is a very Quinn answer,
is that all binary labels of human behavior and identity are lies
SOME PEOPLE ARE HOT is all I am saying
Yeah, my guess on that would be "bi, strongly leaning towards women", but it's ultimately less important to narrow down an Exact Correct Label and more important that you're happy and comfortable.
I am not comfortable at all because I have a pounding headache
but that's an unrelated issue
imho labels don't need to be exact, they just need to communicate to other people what's important to you
I ID as a lesbian because I'm only interested in girls, I only want to pursue romance with ladyfolk,
I very occasionally find a boy hot
I don't ID as bi because what I'm communicating to other people is "I am interested in women"
if courtney can have a boyfriend then you can call yourself whatever you want
That's a good way to look at it
to me, labels are a tool, and you are using that tool to communicate things to other people,
so you don't need to sweat little things like "what if I'm a little bit X" or "what if this contradicts my identity as Y"
because in the end you're still communicating what you want
and if that changes then it changes, no biggie,
if it's a little contradictory, well, who cares? you're communicating what you wanna communicate with it
Labels are labels and hot people are hot people
The world contains a multitude of options to behold with your eyeballs and then nod to yourself and go “nice” about
It's less about the labels and more about like
"If Toshiro Mifune time traveled here from 1950 and kabedoned me what would I do?"
I dunno man but it would be an intense experience
Thinking/ looking and physical action are two very different things that’s true
Fortunately (?), that specific scenario is unlikely to come up
I started thinking about Toshiro Mifune and my brain shorted out for like ten minutes
Meanwhile I'm having a gender crisis over tiefling art. I think you're valid, and that's all that matters.
I mean, extremely valid, we've seen photos of him.
I'm fairly certain that being attracted to Toshiro Mifune is simply part of the human experience
wait who is that again /googles