for both
there won't be any. immediate drops, i should preface
going into the new year i'm feeling a little. hmmmmmmm. not burned out! not tired! i'm having fun! but there's other things i want to do too so i'll be using january as kind of my test month to see if i can stick in (i cannot count the past few months as anything given the goddamn retail season)
but i'll be!!!!! making sure!!!!! to keep everyone up to date!!!!! because i do love playing these chars and with everyone and it'll always be at the end of a month if i choose to!!!!!1
but i do have other things i'm wanting to do, like books to get through and looking more at psls or short term games and memes, getting back into translation and the like... it's a cycle it happens i can't do both at the same time
it's mostly on my mind which usually tells me that it's something i have to think carefully about and be kind to myself if nothing else
i have been! so blessed! with the cr they have and the cr i have yet to have with don (i'm especially sorry for dropping the ball terribly with her in places, she came. at a rough time in a lot of ways) and i've been very happy with how my synkids have been in particular the past year
malkuth has really grown, and yet stayed the same... learning more things she can do and putting herself through some necessary pain to be able to do more, realizing what she can't do and not letting it batter her down
she's very serious about going into the new year with no romance on her mind she'll end up overcorrecting with people by accident i'm sure but she's very much going to focus on being. her. and who she wants to be in her second chance of a second life, since she does want to have one beyond the mission here...
but she's been one of my favorite people to play in a long time, in a game that's been so good to me in a thousand of ways, a real oasis in the desert of the gamescape
siffrin has also grown. in like the opposite direction but that too is fine
with the continued loss of people in his life......... only worsening his own issues and exacerbating the itch that's always there, a need for companionship and yet the knowledge he'll always be alone anyway........
i do think if i end up keeping any of the three it'll be them. just because i feel like sif's getting real tasty. for me personally their cr circle is not so large and i prefer it that way
but i've been very happy with the year. i've met so many people and got to knock so much off my wish list...
i'm just gonna be doing a lot of thinking the next month and then decide from there. maybe the retail season simply drained me and the slow down in games always is tough no matter what
thank u for ur patience. i'll be doing my best no matter what in jan so thank u
IT'S GOOD TO SEE PEACE and I hope you're doing well and getting relaxing fun time despite retail and the holiday season
grips onto ur leg. we'll see how jan goes. i'm also feeling the... a thousand projects in the back of my mind thing
you're not rid of me regardless of what u ultimately decide
deathcap: you get it......... it happens. i can't roleplay and do another creative endeavor at the same time so if i get an hankering for one i end up falling off the other, type thing
but thank u all for ur kindness and patience. ill be happily recovering and recooperating
pom poms you. you got this!!