i dreamed something about getting permission to enter a secret forbidden room in a college campus and later helping an injured coolguy escape his clique, and then there was something about some kind of resort where baba and i got in the elevator first and were immediately separated from our family
baba was like "if nobody's moving then we'll go ahead first" and pressed the button and it got halfway up and stuck for a second before continuing but that second was enough so we could hear them frantically pressing the button below us
later i was i'm not sure where but i was playing a fighter game where you picked two characters to fight with and the victory animation was for them both together and one of my guys was this giant red man with a tail
so in one fight the red man was holding up the winner girl like yeah!! and in another match he was cradling the winner guy with his tail and rocking him back and forth
i wanted to show whimsea how cute this was but as i was passing through mama's kitchen i overheard aunts talking to my brother about some universal experience he didn't get as a child so i asked what they were talking about
apparently all children at some point get trauma from being locked in a cupboard? so i told my aunt that i have actually done that to him before, maybe he just forgot