1 weeks ago
https://images.plurk.com/7bGWoW5VdupgqkVXxwv4sY.jpg 3AM. Goodnight!
latest #7
1 weeks ago
https://images.plurk.com/4N6KVWHFLzkO4BCLDk3T0r.jpg https://images.plurk.com/wL2YmEnSkCRwHsrH7yMaU.jpg this dog.
1 weeks ago
luna_y_gatos: I was up with insomnia until 6am. Think I’m gonna have it again tonight. 2 Ativan and 2 melatonin later with no luck last night
Aww... sorry :-( i hate it when that happens to me and it takes days before i could recover
1 weeks ago
luna_y_gatos: now I’m lying in bed sobbing while Dom took the cat to er vet. Was suddenly not acting right. I haven’t slept in 2 days
SolarFoxglove: I hope you got some sleep somehow. It seems to me the stress of worrying about your cat was what was keeping you awake last night at least. How is the cat?
1 weeks ago
luna_y_gatos: ironically he had a little dehydration so he got some fluids and anti nausea meds but X-rays came back fine so I don’t get it. Care credit is now $615....ouch.
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