I basically never think of any character and think "hmmm. Could be a secunit."
They're just never dehumanized enough. Now. Often that is part of their horror. But you get what I'm saying.
There's just a specific KIND of dehumanized for secunits.
...OK so sufficiently ancient Transformers all go "Oh yeah! Big mood!" Gears nods in grouchy but free solidarity.
(In specific story origins)
Yeah. Yeah that is very true
I feel like K2 approaches it
Oh yeah! Yeah that is very true. K2 comes close.
(The ancient Transformers aren't the same: they are in solidarity)
It's partly the way K2 is a powerful piece of engineering and also... hmm I'm not sure really. Both atomized and interchangeable is part of it but not all.
(That final "goodbye" is exceptionally the secunit vibe to me)
He's so tender and also so completely matter of fact
2.0's "This is how I win" echoes it
There's also something, hmm
Of being designed specifically for violence
Like, direct physical violence
a clone trooper, for example, his primary purpose is political
Oh man yeah! A clone trooper validates the [deliberate small r] republic by his virtue and military ability
A secunit is just there to exert direct force
yeah, part of the point of him is to legitimize
a secunit or a KX is purely a tool of force
Yeah. They don't validate anything
CTs are very-- a DIFFERENT specific kind of liminal
I don't really have a good sense of transformers
(on a side note I love that we've gotten more context on KXs through the D+ shows)
(that really points up how REMARKABLE K2 and Cassian are)
Yeah ancient transformers are just in solidarity bc they are Product and both supposed to be sapient and punished for being sapient.
Yeah that seems much more CT-like
despite the biological difference
Yeah and I think the way CTs are still considered as a reproductive force until quite late makes part of that difference. The whole mass produced reproductive population thing that is so horrific to Alliance.
Yeah you are right abt the Transformers
(Me tooooo. Me toooo. It's so cool)