[Marvel Rivals] So it turns out, if you lose two matches in Quick Play (or thereabouts, there's variables involved), it dumps you into a match with AI Bots, and sometimes two (or more, but usually two) Bot teammates that fill to try and force your comp to be 2-2-2.
Here is a big thread on the Steam forums. There's a bunch of smaller threads on the subreddit, but there seems to be a bit of suppression of it going on there.
Whether or not this bothers you (it bothers me a lot) I feel like having this knowledge it's proper to share it.
Conquest, Competitive, and Jeff's Wonderland are free of this. It is strictly a casual player retention ploy, but it's bothersome to me because now that I KNOW this, I feel like I'm wasting my time every so often for multiple minutes, that I'm being punished even harder for a loss in the "casual" mode.
You can evidently "cure" your account of this by swapping to a different mode after two losses, but it's... annoying.
Knew there had to be a catch with NetEase.
Your first match is also against bots to try and give you that immediate first win dopamine rush, which is a method also employed by Fortnite. I'm less irritated about that and more about the lack of transparency, or even the option to just opt the fuck out.
I'd rather lose eight games in a row. And I have! In Comp.
I can definitely see the frustration and that frustration is valid. At the same time... a big chunk of the reason I stay away from quickmatches is the frustration of so many people just... ignoring comp entirely. Like, I've seen far too many games that had one support between both teams and gently trying to teach that to people would be nice... but
The implementaiton is dogshit I agree
Oh for sure. Mind you I get that in Competitive too, but GENERALLY most games I get there people are trying.
But I’ll use Quick Match for grinding out the challenges or just chilling with friends, and I know folks to don’t want to touch Competitive that this is a major turn off for. Idk.
(Side tangent as you say on team composition, for good or ill there’s a REASON Overwatch went to role queue...........)
no it's fine that GM Sniper on my team on an indoor map with no sightlines is totally my favorite guy
aw yeeeeeaaaaaah my favorite
sadly/fortunately almost every map save for maybe the Hydra base is so open in Rivals snipers are always viable, and Hawkeye is broken as shit lmao...
Meanwhile, Klrrt (I think is the name?) is TAILOR MADE for sniper shenanigans.
Klyntar, yeah tons of lonnnnng hallways with upper ground. Hawkeye and Hela are a nightmare there. Widow too if the player is competent.